Engage & Support Your Patients

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Engaging with SAF

Partnerships with the Scarring Alopecia Foundation (SAF) are essential for advancing the understanding and treatment of scarring alopecia, ultimately helping patients. By working together, healthcare providers and SAF can make significant strides in research, patient care, and education. If you are a dermatologist or other healthcare provider, there are several ways to get involved:


  • Physician Referral Listing: Be added to SAF's Physician Referral Listing to connect with patients in your geographic area.
  • Educational Webinars: Volunteer to lead an educational webinar on a relevant topic related to scarring alopecia.
  • SAF Speakers: Request a SAF speaker for your meetings or lectures to enrich your programs with specialized expertise.
  • Patient Community: Connect with SAF's patient community to gain valuable insights into patient experiences and needs.


Click here to share your interest, and a member of the SAF leadership team will contact you.

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How SAF Can Help You Support Your Patients

Whether you are new to scarring alopecia or well-versed in treating this inflammatory hair loss disease, SAF is a one-of-a-kind resource you can, and should, offer your patients.

As the sole organization exclusively dedicated to scarring alopecia, SAF provides invaluable support, education, and advocacy. Introducing SAF to your patients not only complements your care by offering them specialized resources but also demonstrates your commitment to their well-being.

Your initiative in connecting them with SAF's expertise and community support will undoubtedly earn you appreciation and confidence, making you a trusted ally along their journey.