
Hairstylists play an essential role in caring for and maintaining their clients’ hair. Clients rely on their hairstylists to recognize changes in their hair and scalp, which may require a referral to a dermatologist.

SAF wants to educate and inform hairstylists on what scarring alopecia is and how to identify the symptoms. Please watch our SAF Hairstylist Education video as a resource for hairstylists around the world.

Besides hairdressers being a first line of defense for awareness- they can play a huge role in is supporting patients with their special needs from an emotional standpoint:

Sensitivity Photo
Sensitivity to emotions:
  • TIP 1: Offer a salon appointment at a less busy time or in a private area.
  • TIP 2: Suggest hair styles that could camouflage condition
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Sensitive scalp, fragile hair:
  • TIP 1: Use products without sulfites or harsh ingredients.
  • TIP 2: Use lukewarm water for rinsing, some patients like a cold water rinse at end of treatment
  • TIP 3: Comb hair gently as scalp can be tender
  • TIP 4: Teach clients how to better care for dryness, split ends, fragile thin hair. Recommend products that might help
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Ongoing Awareness
  • TIP 1: As you become familiar with your client’s condition over time, tell them if you notice new signs. They can’t see the top and back of their scalp