Mission, History and Financials

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Our mission is to provide education and patient support, raise public awareness, and advance and promote research.


Our vision is to help patients live healthy and happy lives.


SAF is the trusted source of accurate information for the scarring alopecia community. We develop and support resources that accelerate scarring alopecia research. We educate and support audiences touched by scarring alopecia for earlier diagnosis and treatment. We advocate for timely access to effective care and treatment for people living with scarring alopecia. We raise sufficient funding for sustainability and successful execution of the strategic plan.


The Scarring Alopecia Foundation (SAF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated on July 12, 2005, in California. It was founded by a passionate patient who, upon being diagnosed with scarring alopecia, discovered a lack of knowledge about the condition. With the support of her expert dermatologist, they set out to establish an organization dedicated to driving research, expanding education, and supporting patients.

Initially known as the Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation (CARF), SAF began with a small group of patients and has since grown to encompass thousands of members, driven by the rising number of diagnoses. Our community includes patients with all types of scarring alopecia, dermatologists, physicians, researchers, care partners, advocates, and other stakeholders.

Together, we form the world's only patient advocacy group exclusively dedicated to scarring alopecia.



SAF is committed to transparency and accountability in all our operations. We believe that maintaining openness about our financial health not only builds trust but also underscores our dedication to effectively advancing our mission to support those affected by scarring alopecia.