Be A Part of the SAF Community

As a member of the SAF patient and medical community, membership is free to everyone.

Unlike other organizations, we do not feel like we can put a price tag on the resources, support groups, medical articles and so much more that SAF provides to the scarring alopecia community.

There are others who will receive the diagnosis and then choose only to share their diagnosis with a loved one. They will find the diagnosis very difficult and life-changing. It will be hard to comprehend that they have a condition that has no known cause, treatment or cure. They will struggle with defining their new appearance, and possibly become self-conscious and wonder what people are thinking. They will keep their secret close to themselves.

And that’s where SAF comes in.

As a part of your membership - not only will you receive a built in community - but you will receive the following benefits:

  • Free Library of Medical Articles
  • Opportunities to connect with veteran patients about your diagnosis
  • Scarring Alopecia Brochures about your diagnosis
  • Patient Support and Education
  • Access to Virtual Support Groups

For additional questions on your SAF membership, please contact