Partners and Sponsors

Corporate Partners Council Members

Thank you for your support, which is crucial to our success as it brings not only financial contributions but also a wealth of expertise, resources, and a shared commitment to making a meaningful impact. SAF recognizes the growing need for collaboration in addressing the increased demand for a cause, effective treatments, and advocacy for this rapidly growing hair loss disease. Partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry is essential in meeting the challenges ahead, and SAF cannot achieve its goals alone.


We take pride in our collaborative efforts to address the challenges of scarring hair loss. We have strategically partnered with like-minded organizations and companies that share our passion for supporting, studying, and servicing the scarring hair loss community. These relationships amplify our collective impact, fostering an environment where innovative ideas and research can flourish. By joining forces with organizations and companies that align with our mission, we aim to enhance the quality of support and resources available to individuals affected by scarring alopecia.